A performance where the wall of death meets… life!
24. 5. 2024 – 1. 6. 2024
450 CZK
Family show: suitable for adults and children 6+ years
Duration: 30 minutes without intermission
Place: Football field, Erpet Centrum, Praha 5 – Smíchov
The Le Mur de la Mort (Wall of Death) acrobatic team presents the famous fairground tradition of the 1950s with one of the last performances of this type in France. Their show called „Mortal Juice!“ combines various elements from circus, theater, fair parade and even moments of intimacy.
The motorcycle riders defy the laws of gravity by performing the most daring acrobatic stunts on the vertical wall at speeds exceeding 80 kilometers per hour. Bringing back also the famous ride of two or more motorcycles driving close to each other. Looking at the art of the last real acrobats, the viewer stops his thoughts in the present moment and reflects on a long-forgotten world.
However, the huge barrel where the performance takes place is also a magical theater in which conflicting emotions, noise, smell, fear, and laughter mix. The „Mortal Juice!“ show takes the concept of the classic wall of death with acrobatic motorcycle stunts, mixing it with live music, humor, acting, poetry, energy, and let’s not forget about a surprise. Live music is playing from the motorcycle, and at the same time the motorcycles bang, crash, and the characteristic odor stings the nose. Of course, the carbon footprint is minimal and there also comes a bear…
This wall of death was built around 1930s in the United States. In the country where the attraction was most likely born. It is one of the most spectacular walls of death due to its unique construction with external access ramps. At the same time, it is on the list of historical monuments, and it is one of the three still functioning walls of death in the world!