Cirkus poets from the My!Laika go beyond the traditional framework of theater and circus.
29. 5. 2024 – 1. 6. 2024
450 CZK – 650 CZK
Family show: suitable for adults and children 7+ years
Duration: 70 minutes without intermission
Place: Football field, Erpet Centrum, Praha 5 – Smíchov
„There are more things in heaven and earth, Horazio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” (William Shakespeare, Hamlet)
A thousand stories meander and coexist in the piano room. In the phantasmagoria of abandonment, time flows erratically among dusty collapses. Centuries can pass in a few moments, and here we are, in the ruins of an old museum where strange characters cross the stage and the multiple stories.
A great avalanche of images that flows inexorably and slowly towards the cold end of an interior winter. Ontological disquisitions on death, climate and the consistency of a Calippo ice cream take the audience and the actors on a journey that unfolds through superimposed figures, songs and small circus feats.
The technique of “magie poubelle”, with a self-irony typical of kunst-cirque, takes the drama out of the hopeless sensation of being frozen on this planet. Thus, breaking the limit of formal exposition, the show questions itself in order to find a way out of itself and its unusual specters.
My!Laika is a circus company founded in 2009. In 2010 won the prestigious Jeune Talent de Cirque award with their show Popcorn Machine. My!Laika regularly participates in the most important European festivals with their performances.
Galerie fotografií
Artists and authors: Philine Dahlmann, Salvatore Frasca, Edoardo Demontis, Maristella Tesio
Technician: Manue Guilbert
Creation assistant: Giacomo Martini
Dramaturgy: Florent Bergal
Lights – external view: Clément Bonin
Costumes: Rose Opdenhoff & My!Laika
Production: Nico Agüero
Administration/Production: Les Thérèses
Photo credit: Guido Mencari, Certaldo Macelli, Aruna Canevascini, Katharina Bauer, Ken Buslay, Francis Rodor, Circusögraphy